
Excellence in Online Distribution

We are a UAE based company focused on connecting FMCG brands to consumers through ecommerce platforms.

Increasing relevance of Ecommerce in the FMCG market:

The growth of online commerce across the world in all sectors is an undisputable fact. FMCG brands are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this trend since they are the largest contributor of sales for most online platforms. Consumer adoption of online purchase of FMCG products has been accentuated during the pandemic. Brands which have recognized these trends and acted on them have seen substantial growth in the contribution of online sales.

We strongly believe that every FMCG brand should take full advantage of this opportunity. We also appreciate the fact that some brands may not have the resources in place to implement this strategy. That is where we would like to offer our services.

Who could benefit most:

Existing brands

Existing brands: Brands which have been traditionally doing well in the brick-and-mortar stores. Depending on the category, Online sales contribute from 5% to 20% of total brands sales. We can help unlock the online sales potential of your brand.

New Entrants

Online channels are the most cost-effective route to test the market. They introduce your brand to potential consumers. You can select the skus to launch in the retail based on the traction you observe on online platforms. A judicious mix of online and traditional channels is the most prudent formula to reach the consumer.


Professional And Dedicated Consulting Solutions

We offer the full spectrum of services to reach your FMCG brand to consumers who shop online.

  • Label assessment and product registration with regulatory authorities.
  • Import of products.
  • Storage and logistics.
  • Onboarding products on online platforms.
  • Preparing products for online delivery.
  • Track sales and generate sales analysis reports.
  • Work closely with the platform account managers to design effective marketing activities: These include sponsored ads, designing offer packs, participation in events, online banners etc. In a nutshell, we take ownership of your brand to establish brand image, improve brand visibility and awareness. This helps to exploit the full brand sales potential through online channels.

Brands we work with


A brief about us

We are based in Dubai. We have decades of experience in handling FMCG brands in the region.

We have a dedicated team of Ecom professionals. We have adequate support facilities including logistics to implement your online strategy

Let us discuss if we can add value to your business.